What If I Told You That You Could Get 30-50 Leads... In FIFTEEN MINUTES ?

What If I Told You That You Could Get 30-50 Leads... In FIFTEEN MINUTES ?

I've cracked the code to making Facebook Parties short, sweet, and effective... and I'm sharing it with YOU!

I've cracked the code to making Facebook Parties short, sweet, and effective... and I'm sharing it with YOU!

Not only have I hosted Facebook parties for friends, but I've also been invited to a ton of them. And because of my go-go attitude and busy schedule, honestly, I've been pretty turned off by many Facebook parties because they seem to drag on and on or the actual "party" itself would take up an entire evening!

Soooo I’ve been testing out online Facebook parties behind the scenes, looking for a way to make them short, sweet AND effective - and I’ve finally cracked the code :).

What if I told you how I’ve been able to consistently get 30-50 new leads by doing a 15 MINUTE Facebook Party and have put together the exact posting schedule, scripts, etc. so you can schedule your event, pop back in for 15 minutes and close that baby out with new customers 48 hours later??!!

In this WORKSHOP, I'll teach you exactly what you need to do before, during and after your party to make it super effective, efficient and fill up your leads list like no other format! In addition, we'll also go over how to take these warm leads and turn them into hot prospects that you can continue to market to long after the party is over.

Not only have I hosted Facebook parties for friends, but I've also been invited to a ton of them. And because of my go-go attitude and busy schedule, honestly, I've been pretty turned off by many Facebook parties because they seem to drag on and on or the actual "party" itself would take up an entire evening!

Soooo I’ve been testing out online Facebook parties behind the scenes, looking for a way to make them short, sweet AND effective - and I’ve finally cracked the code :).

What if I told you how I’ve been able to consistently get 30-50 new leads by doing a 15 MINUTE Facebook Party and have put together the exact posting schedule, scripts, etc. so you can schedule your event, pop back in for 15 minutes and close that baby out with new customers 48 hours later??!!

In this WORKSHOP, I'll teach you exactly what you need to do before, during and after your party to make it super effective, efficient and fill up your leads list like no other format! In addition, we'll also go over how to take these warm leads and turn them into hot prospects that you can continue to market to long after the party is over.